Twister Boost Functionality
Introducing the brand-new Twister BOOST — a functionality that gives a chance to build and compete for a bigger Twister prize at the cost of an additional buy-in.
The Twister BOOST functionality is able only for Classic and Wild Twister; the Age of the Gods Twister cannot be enhanced with Twister BOOST.
When a Twister tournament begins and a prize is drawn, the players are asked whether they want an additional prize to be drawn and added to the already-picked prize. If all players agree, a new prize is drawn and added to the existing reward. This flow continues until a player rejects the boost offering or the maximum possible prize has been reached. Once the tournament prize is built up, the Twister tournament begins and proceeds as usual.
- For a given Twister tournament, the boost functionality may be available for one prize and not available for another.
- The maximum number of boosts and the maximum possible prize depends on the tournament
Note that if you have disabled the feature from the client’s settings, you will still see an indication of the tournament(s) set with Twister BOOST as well as the boost logo on the respective Twister tables, but won't be able to use the functionality. As soon as you enable the feature from the settings, you will become eligible for the functionality.
The new Twister BOOST option in the Table section of the client’s settings, allowing the players to enable or disable the feature.
When you open the Twister lobby, you can distinguish the tournaments configured with Twister BOOST thanks to the newly added boost icon.
- In the Web client, the boost icon appears when you select a tournament configured with Twister BOOST
- In the Download Desktop and Native Mobile clients, the boost icon is displayed on top of the Twister tournaments tiles set with Twister BOOST functionality.
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When you register for a Twister tournament set with Twister BOOST, you are seated on a Twister table marked with the new Twister BOOST logo. As soon as the tournament begins, a tournament prize is drawn via animation.
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Depending on the drawn prize, the players may be offered to use the boost feature for a bigger prize. If one of the players is not eligible to use the boost functionality, a message informs the players that they cannot build up a bigger prize.
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The tournament then proceeds as usual. In case a boost Is set for the drawn prize, all three players are asked whether they want to draw another prize that will be added to the already picked prize at the cost of an additional buy-in. The players have 20 seconds to decide.
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The player(s) who agree to use the boost are marked with a boost icon above their avatar(s).
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- If a player declines or times out, a message informs the players that one of the opponents does not want to play for a bigger prize.
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The tournament then starts as usual without any new prize being drawn.
- If all players agree, the players are charged with an additional buy-in and a new prize is drawn via the prize draw animation. The background of the table also changes to indicate that the prize has been boosted.
After the new prize is drawn, the system checks if a boost is set for the newly drawn prize.
If no boost is set for the newly drawn prize, a nice animation informs the players about the final prize pool (1), and then the tournament begins (2).
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If, however, another boost is configured for the newly drawn prize and the players can still use it (the maximum number of allowed boosts, or the maximum possible prize is not yet reached), the players are asked again to draw another prize.
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This flow continues until at least one of the players declines, the players reach the maximum number of allowed boosts, or the maximum possible prize is reached.
- If all drawn prizes are cash, the client sums them up and shows the total amount in the animated message. However, in the case of prizes of different types, the message lists all available prizes.
- Depending on the tournament configuration, the players’ chips may be set to increase with a given configurable amount for each new boost. When this is the case, the client informs the players about this in the message asking the players to agree to the boost.
- Players can use Twister Boost twice per 1 game.
- The fee in Twister games is 7% of the initial amount (excluding Twister 200 €, where the fee is 5%). There is no information about the fee in the Twister lobby, but the player can check through the History tab how much was paid and what was the tournament fee. (e.g. buy-in 2 euros = fee 0.14 euros => 1.4 SP; buy-in 0.50 euros = 0.03 euros => 0.3 SP; buy-in 1 euro = fee 0.07 Euro => 0.7 SP). As an example, Twister with possible option Twister boost for 3 euros - the player pays a fee of 7% = 0.21 euro fee or 2.1 bonus points. If the player uses the twister boost function in this tournament, then the total amount will be 6 euros and the fee will be 0.42 euros, that is, 4.2 bonus points.
We enhanced the Tournaments tab of the History page, and now you can see an overview of the amount won from a given Twister, as well as the amount spent for boosts:
- The Buy-in field shows the sum of the money spent on the initial buy-in and on the buy-in(s) for boosts.
- The Player Spending field shows the amount spent for boosts in the new “Extra prize drawn” category.
- The Total winnings field reflects all won rewards from the tournament. If the prize pool of the tournament consisted of prizes of different types (physical prize, cash, ticket) and the player has won the tournament, all won rewards will be reflected in the field.
The Twister BOOST functionality is available in all clients (Download Desktop, Android Mobile, and Web clients)